
Life Insurance

Life & Health Insurance

One of the most important provisions in a healthy financial life is having the adequate protection!

As they say “Don’t ask a wife if she needs life insurance… Ask a widow” 

A popular misconception is that life insurance is a waste of money! This actually is inaccurate as there are products where you get back the money you paid PLUS INTEREST!

Protection provision consists of several covers that are available for you. 

Most popular is the Life Insurance cover, but there are also so many other hidden benefits & covers that you should be aware of, as they consist of multiple benefits for several different purposes. 

Covers examples:

    • Life cover
    • Critical illness / Cancer cover
    • Family Income protection cover
    • Total / Partial disability cover
    • Waiver Of Premium in case of job loss
    • Accidental injury / death cover

Let us meet and discuss together what are the covers you are missing out on and know how we can fix that with the best solution that is 100% tailor-made to best suit your needs. 

family insurance, insurance, parents
teacher, learning, school

College Fund

kids education planning

There are two ways you can get your kids into the best colleges in the world!

1- You can skip saving today then get a student loan with the second highest interest rate and have your kids paying it off for 10+ years!
OR  2- Save for their education today and secure the best Ivy league colleges as if you are paying their tuition in installments while earning profit over your savings. 


Stocks, mutual funds, etfs bonds & more..

If you are looking for a short to medium term of investing or even for the long term, we got you covered.

You will get access to unlimited instruments of investments provided by the best platforms in the world.

Wether you are interested in Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, ETFs or CFDs and much more, let’s create together the best portfolio that will match your risk appetite and help you achieve your financial goals.

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old, elderly, beach

Regular Savings

Retirement / Pension Planning

Its pretty straight forward!

You now work, you earn, you spend.. When you retire, you don’t work, you don’t earn.. BUT you still spend!

Start planing for your retirement today and secure your golden years with an adequate amount to sustain you for the rest of your life!

Asset Protection

General Insurance

We cover anything that is non-life in this section. Here we take care of all of your assets and valuables insurance.

From your Car, your House (building & content), your Factory or office, to your Partnership business – Key Man insurance, Loans and Liabilities.

Best part is .. Although those covers are extremely important, yet, they are so affordable!

car crash, phone call, woman
dubai, skyscrapers, skyline

Real Estate

Residential - commercial

Diversification in your investment portfolio is of a great importance. we will help you find the best real estate investment wether you are looking to buy off plan or a property thats ready for use immediately.

Meet with our Real estate expert and she will take you in a journey of multiple options to chose from. 


Ask us anything and we’ll add it to the list 

YES! we make sure that all of our products and plans are international and can be carried with you wherever you go. The only exception is U.S Nationals where the products permitted are limited.

It is so common for clients to own more than one plan , as it also common for most companies to provide some plans like health and life insurance to their employees. However the benefits in this case are limited and more importantly , your coverage is totally dependent on you working for this employer and the covers are taken away as soon as you leave or retire.

You can choose between Credit Card, Bank transfer, Standing order instruction or even Cheques. And yes! you can change the method of payment as well as your frequency of payment at your convenience. 

Majority of the plans are very flexible and you have the option to surrender them at anytime, however the provider may or may not charge a surrender penalty depending on the product and when in the term of plan you decided to surrender it.

In most if not all the products, you will have a cooling off period, where in this period (usually around a full month) you can totally change your mind, and get your money back with no charges or penalties applied.